One Year Ago
One year ago I wrote:
Thus started my decline into madness.
I also wrote this:
Yes indeed, Amit Varma of India Uncut designed my blog template. Who else (besides Amit and maybe his wife) could say that?
I wonder how his cows are doing.
Yes, this is my blog-anniversary. And I should thank everyone who ever commented on my blog or ever linked to my blog. Here is a partial list of people who did at one time or other comment on my blog. If I left you out – just leave a note and I’ll gladly amend. I you have never commented on this blog and I accidently included you on the list then leave a note in the comments and I will puzzle over what to do.
There’s one or two in this list that might surprise you!
I believe Sunil holds the record for the most (and best) comments but an accurate tally might surprise me.
There have been many occasions where I have been very close to chucking the whole blog. Even yesterday, I thought I should spend my time doing more productive things. But maybe some friendships will eventually form. I need to make more effort in that respect. Anyway, it will be a day-by-day decision.
On Chocolate and Gold Coins
After deciding to start a blog, I had to think of what to name it. Naturally, the really good names have been taken. For example, I thought the name Instapundit would be a good one for a blog but it turns out that someone already took that one.
Chocolate and gold coins are two of my favorite commodities. And naming a blog that deals with economic issues after commodities makes sense, especially commodities that symbolize consumption and income. However, the name “Chocolate and Gold Coins” refers to something else. It refers to types of writing you might find on this blog. Gold coins are something with intrinsic value. You might find something like that here buried deep under the rubbish if you search long enough. Chocolate is another commodity altogether. It is something to be enjoyed briefly and soon forgotten, like a frivolous but fun piece of writing. There will be more chocolate than gold in this blog. In any case, I hope you find something you like here.
Thus started my decline into madness.
I also wrote this:
Thanks, Amit
Before I post anything else, I must thank Amit Varma [my wife curses him] for encouraging me to start a blog. Who is Amit Varma? I don’t really know...some guy in India I guess. I’ve never met him, but he seems really nice.
Actually, I know quite a little bit about Amit from the several blogs that he keeps. He is a poohbah at Wisden/Cricinfo and writes an excellent blog on cricket (a sport involving a bat, a ball, and lots and lots of time) called 23yards. He also has a blog called The Middle Stage that deals with politics and culture that usually has something interesting that Amit trolled up through his search of the Internet. But Amit’s crown jewel of his blog empire is his blog on India called India Uncut. It is an enormously entertaining site filled with good writing and good links. If you’re curious about India and Indian blogs, that’s the place to start.
Mostly, I know Amit as that fellow who writes back. I have written many letters to many people, always very polite, and rarely do they respond. Oh well, people are busy, and I probably write to the busiest people. Amit is very busy. Yet he almost always responds with a nice note. I appreciate that.
There is much I don’t know about Amit. He plans to write a blog about cows. “A blog on cows?” you ask. I have no idea. I could ask him I guess…but it is much more fun to speculate. My conjecture is that Amit likes excellent cappuccinos and excellent chai. He is a connoisseur: he must have fresh milk. Therefore he keeps two cows as pets in his Mumbai apartment. And naturally he would want to blog about something like that.
Update: Amit has generously supplied his blog knowledge to the task of upgrading the look and feel of this site. Doesn't it look great? What a guy!
Yes indeed, Amit Varma of India Uncut designed my blog template. Who else (besides Amit and maybe his wife) could say that?
I wonder how his cows are doing.
Yes, this is my blog-anniversary. And I should thank everyone who ever commented on my blog or ever linked to my blog. Here is a partial list of people who did at one time or other comment on my blog. If I left you out – just leave a note and I’ll gladly amend. I you have never commented on this blog and I accidently included you on the list then leave a note in the comments and I will puzzle over what to do.
There’s one or two in this list that might surprise you!
- Half Sigma
- Steve Levitt of Freakonomics Blog
- Abhi of Sepia Mutiny
- Amit of India Uncut
- Arnab the Greatbong
- Charukesi Ramadurai many times
- Curious Gawker many times
- Gaurav Sabnis a few times
- Nitin Pai a few times
- Patrix many times
- Ravikiran Rao
- Saket Vaidya a few times
- Sujatha (Bangalore)
- Sunil (Seattle) many times
- Vikram Arumilli
- Anand of Locana
- Arzan Sam Wadia
- Ash
- Ashish Hanwadikar
- Dilip D'Souza
- Kaps
- Kunal Sawardekar
- Sonia Faleiro
- Sourin Rao
- Uma of Indiawriting
- Vikrum Sequeira
- Aditya Bidikar
- Anand of Locana
- Andrew of Anyletter
- Ashish Gupta many times
- Chandrachoodan Gopalakrishnan
- Chandon V
- Deba (Chennai)
- Jai Arjun of Jabberwock
- Jwaala
- Life - More or Less Live
- Madhu Nair
- Adhisht Khanna
- Minal of Granger Gab
- Mihn-Duc Phan
- Rahul Anantharaman
- Ravi (Gujarat)
- Sameer Marathe
- Sandeep Menon
- Saurabh Jayawant
- Sourin Rao
- Shrikanth
- Spanish in India
- Sue at Dutch Diary
- Suman Kumar
- Truman
- @mit (Minneapolis)
- Sometimes It's Peaceful
- Saket Vaidya
- Patrix
- Suhail Kazi
- T. A. Abinandanan
- Anil Kandangath
- Suman Kumar
- The Common Room
- Ravisez
- Ranjit Shinde
- Ravi of Carpe Diem
- Aishwarya of Dehli
- Ravikiran Rao
- SloganMurugan many times
- Nilu
- Thennavan
- Rajeshwari
- Raj Mehta
- Froginthewell many times
- Sean of Australia
- Emily Oster of Freakonomics fame
- And who could forget Yum Yum
I believe Sunil holds the record for the most (and best) comments but an accurate tally might surprise me.
There have been many occasions where I have been very close to chucking the whole blog. Even yesterday, I thought I should spend my time doing more productive things. But maybe some friendships will eventually form. I need to make more effort in that respect. Anyway, it will be a day-by-day decision.
Congratulations and wishes on the occasion.
froginthewell, at 11:28 AM
Hi Froggy
Thanks. And thanks for the many intelligent comment over the year.
Michael Higgins, at 11:48 AM
Mike, congratulations on the anniversary and thanks for the mention. Looks like this post is your "Thanksgiving" like I did mine (not on my blog anniversary, but on Thanksgiving day itself) :-)
Krish, at 12:04 PM
happy anniversary. And the "prolific" nature of my comments just reflects on the nature of your posts. Us scientists aren't shy of commenting when an opportunity arises (and any question can be asked). We're a bunch of know-it-alls, you know. Almost as intolerable as economists :-))
Sunil, at 12:08 PM
Hi Thennavan
Hi Sunil
Thanks a bunch for a nice year. Your comments made a big difference.
Michael Higgins, at 12:22 PM
Happy Birthday !
Do you know, when I was a kid in India, we used to get these chocolates which were moulded as coins and wrapped in golden foil ( I think they were Cadburys)... your blog namae always reminded me of that :)
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
Hi Ash
I know exactly what you are talking about and, infact, I have some pictures. If I knew how to add them to the template, I would have. I may someday update the look of this blog but I have hesitated.
Michael Higgins, at 12:49 PM
Congratulations to one of my favorite blogs turning 1. And wish you so many more new commenters and readers for the next year.
greatbong, at 1:03 PM
Congratulations Mike..Yours is a great blog that always helps me to look issues , especially economic ones, in different perspective. Thank you.
pippala leaf, at 1:44 PM
Hi Arnab and Madhu
Arnab: Thanks for the kind words.
Madhu: Thanks. I am always happy if my post cause some thinking.
Michael Higgins, at 8:56 PM
Happy Blog-Birthday!
Headmistress, zookeeper, at 10:15 PM
Michael, congratulations on your blog anniv. Wish you many years of happy blogging.
Transmogrifier, at 10:20 PM
Many congratulations on your blog anniversary and real nice of you to mention me in your list:-)
Minal, at 11:38 PM
congratulations! that was a great one year, I am sure... your first date annniversary and then the blog anniversary... party time at the higgins home :)
Anonymous, at 12:01 AM
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the mention; that was really sweet.
Congratulations on completing a great year. And, oh, thanks for not listening to your wife about this blog thingy ... ;-).
Abi, at 4:13 AM
Hi Headmistress, transmo, russ, minal, charu, and abi
Thank you very much for a nice year.
Charu: I am sure you would have been runner up in the comments. I always look forward to seeing a comment from you.
And, no, my blog-birthday is not cause for celebration at my household. My wife and son are completely unaware and I don't care to point it out.
Minal: I recall quite a few comments from you here, so thanks again.
Abi: You're welcome, and thank you for stopping by.
Michael Higgins, at 5:50 AM
drat! Sunil beat me to it. I can only hope it was a close photo finish (I do have a flattish nose:))
and considering what your wife thinks about your blog and blogging, all for the best you haven't broached this anniversary topic with her!
Anonymous, at 11:32 AM
Congratulations and thanks for a year full of excellent posts. Hope you keep blogging for many years to come.
Aditya Bidikar, at 1:42 PM
Hi Michael
Great going and good luck. I always look forward to your unique perspective on the marriage between economics and everyda life (kinda like Levitt). I don't comment on a lot of blogs but your posts, like Sunil said, always deserve to be commented upon.
gawker, at 4:14 PM
Belated congrats and I hope you keep blogging. Count me in as a friend, if I am not being too presumptuous :)
Anonymous, at 3:00 AM
Hi Charu, Aditya, Gawker, Patrix, and Ravikiran
Charu: I haven't counted - who knows.
Aditya, Gawker, and Patrix: Thank you very much for these kinds words. It means a lot to me.
Ravikiran: Thanks and sure you're a friend. Everyone is everyone's friend in the blogosphere. We should meet someday and see if we actually like each other in person.
Michael Higgins, at 8:26 PM
Hi Vikram
Thank you very much. I know your blog-birthday is coming up too so happy-blog-birthday to you as well. School work is the priority - that is for sure. So Stanford isn't a party school? Who would have thought that. Good luck.
Michael Higgins, at 1:44 AM
Michael , like many , I am a big fan of your blog. A good , decent , readable and informative blog like yours is very rare. There are 27 million blogs fighting for attention on the web right now , and this number doubles up every 6th month. But most go unnoticed.
You have already won the first round , won yourself a loyal readership and created a niche for yourself. Like many ,I like the unique perspective you offer on issues related to India.
Congratulations and keep blogging.
Anonymous, at 5:25 AM
Congratulations! Thanks for remembering! Wish you a bright blogging year ahead.
Anonymous, at 7:09 AM
Hi Raj and Suman
Raj: Thanks for the kind words. Your many comments have added a lot for this blog.
Suman: Thanks.
Michael Higgins, at 9:20 AM
Mike, Congratulations :)
Your blog is a nice read. Please keep writing. :)
Anonymous, at 1:31 PM
Hi Truman
I hope you keep coming.
Michael Higgins, at 11:09 AM
Congratulations Michael. A year of C&GC! It's been a good year
Ravages/CC, at 10:42 PM
Hi Chandrachoodan:
Thanks a bunch. It's been fun.
Michael Higgins, at 4:35 PM
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